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wanyi says hi
Wanyi, 17
07 jan Nayang Pri./Dunearn Sec./Pioneer JC. She loves her family, friends and her pillow Fan of: cauliflower, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, And many More. Say Hi if you see Me |
Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 11:22 PM
The SUN.
This image is beautiful right?? I got this from google.COpyrights:google. I love NAture. But I harm HER. HOW how?? anyway, the biggest star is not the SUN. wow. maybe its the next sun for our next generation.. hahahah!! HMM so random. So, what did i do today, LABour WORK, Slack, and training. thats all.. why weekend has only two days??!! i wish friday is a weekend too.... maybe for friday to be a weekend, i think it should be called Sriday. hahahah!! get the joke?? LEt me explain why.All the weekend names start with a 'S' right?(saturaday, sunday) so if friday were to be weekend, it should be name Sriday. Got LINK?? i HOPE SO. HA>< oh yeah.. what have i learned from my today's training?? BListERs AND PAIN. the training ground is too rough for my tender foot.. hahahaha!! anyway, lets not complain... must think of the poor people where they have no SHOES. TOMORROW schedule: company my family for WAlk and training after that. then study and do homework. whole day busy. SADED. so ya. thats all.. Reborn!! here i come~~ Labels: the biggest star is not the sun back to top? |